
Mango 1G Disposable Vape

Discreet and easy to use, you can enjoy a drag in about any location without raising suspicion. It is the perfect size for tossing in your bag, pocket, or fanny-pack.

You don’t have to throw this disposable vape pen when the battery is dead. You can charge it up to three times with a universal usb charger and continue to use till the oil cartridge is completely empty.

Rechargeable (Up to 3 times) 1G Disposable Vape Pen

Mango – Indica – 90% THC


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Kushbee Disposable Vapes Information

KushBee has been perfecting their production of potent products for years, offering patients a taste of their mastery of cannabis through a variety of products (e.g. wax, shatter, ice hash, etc), and now that mastery has unveiled a new product. Introducing the newest product in the ever-expanding line of KushBee: disposable vape pens!

 Available exclusively at Kushfly, KushBees disposable vape pens are highly potent and fun to use!

Discreet and easy to use, you can enjoy a drag in about any location without raising suspicion. It is the perfect size for tossing in your bag, pocket, or fanny-pack. Hate going to mandatory family functions or holidays? Not with the KushBee disposable vape pen! You’ll feel as free as a bee and as social as a butterfly with one hit, two if you’re a veteran smoker, three if you’re brave.

 KushBee uses only private-reserve quality bud with award-winning pedigrees, guaranteeing a clean and potent product. Beginning as the connoisseurs of concentrates, KushBee has begun bringing you the products you’ve grown to love in convenient delivery systems that you can take anywhere!

 Medicinal Qualities of KushBee Disposable Vape Pens: KushBee products delivery fast-acting and powerful results from many ailments, including insomnia, nausea, depression, body ache, and pain, etc.

Recommended Activities: Vape pens offer the ability to medicate discreetly thanks to its slim and subtle design cues. This powerful product should be used with caution and in places of familiarity. KushBees disposable pens are perfect for helping social anxiety at events and are also great for medicating in smoke-free environments, such as apartment complexes.

Music Recommendation:

ArtistРQueen Bey (Beyonc̩)

Song– Bow Down/I Been On

Strain Category





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